Sunday, January 29, 2012

Surrogate backed out on us

I talked everyday almost with the surrogate. We discussed different issues that we thought about. She wasn't charging anything for the surrogacy, which was wonderful. Her insurance would cover her pregnancy. She did however make comments that were unsettling throughout this process. She stated that she would like to have her mom in the delivery room and not us. I was very upset about this. Waiting all this time to have a baby and not being there to see my child being born. Also, she stated that she would rather not come to the baby shower and for us to bring her a piece of cake back. She only lives 5 minutes away from me so it's not like she couldn't go if she wanted to.  I let her know that I had contacted a lawyer and she acted very strange about that. She stated she just thought she could have a baby and we take it home with us. I advised her that the hospital is not going to just let us walk out with the baby. Her name would be on the birth certificate and they would think it's hers. Not to mention all the problems we would have trying to enroll our child in school with her name on the birth certificate. I also advised her that I am new to this process and the lawyer would know what steps to take to make this legal. She finally agreed.

Well on January 24th I woke up to a text message that changed my world.  It stated that she was not going to be able to be our surrogate. She said that she is going back to school and doesn't want anything messing that up and also she is not ready emotionally for something this big. I stated that she was the one that offered this and that my husband and I are having a fundraiser to get the money together for this process, we have already told our friends and family about this and started preparing. She said she knows and she's sorry she just can't. Well that entire day I cried. Then my husband cousin called to tell him how to get me pregnant. The time of the month when a woman ovulates. This upset me even more because it's not that we don't know when or how to have sex to have a baby. It's just that it's not happening for us. I try to not let stupid things that people say when they don't understand infertility upset me but this was not the day for me.

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